Welcome to the 'Bloggers Appreciate Doilies' society.
If you would like to join 'B.A.D.' then just grab a doily and repeat
The Doily Promise...
I'll wash you and press,
With love I'll caress.
I'll mend to the end,
My dear doily friend.
Let's give them a purpose in life,
a reason to carry on.
Apologies for the festive suggestions so early.
I won't be pressing these as they are plastic coasters
and laminated paper.
and I cheated with these lampshades...
...not strictly a doily but we try to be a tolerant society.
The big finale... my favourite one again...
I've seen plenty of splendid doily action in blog land recently.
Vanilla Squirrel's owls, Miss Lazy Daisy Jones' jumper
and My Threadbear Life's cushions and cloths.
My linking lesson is booked for the weekend!
So don't dilly-dally, if you see a good doily project please share
and don't forget your promise.
Now...I think it's time for...
'Bloggers Appreciate Tea Time Yearnings'
or B.A.T.T.Y!
Kettles on.
I have just learn't what GNOME stands for...
Guarding Naturally Over Mother Earth.
Crafty ways make silly acronyms.
EE xx
PS...do you think my background is too gloomy?
I might lighten up now that the nights are drawing in,
I don't want to get S.A.D.